Saturday, December 16, 2006

Bad day

Yesterday I heard on the radio that the song ”Bad Day” was the most downloaded song of 2006 in Kenya. It couldn't have fitted better. It really was a bad day. Actually there have been several bad days, not only yesterday. For a number of reasons.

But at the same time, it has been a couple of nice days as well. I've realized that I have a lot of people that care about me. That can make me laugh, and that will make my day just a little bit brighter. And I got a new “old” friend. That’s not bad.

And with everything that happened, I did feel that the yes-girl I want to be started to disappear. But I’m working on bringing her back. So I just sent a text message to a man I met on Wednesday to tell him if he wants to to something this week I up for it. I met him, and his friend while I was having lunch next to the UN offices. I wasn't really hungry, but I couldn't get in to the area because all my contacts were out to lunch, and the security was heighten because of all the Heads of States that were coming for the Great Lakes Conference. So, I had one hour to kill. I went to a nearby restaurant to wait. Just as I sat down these two men asked if they could join me. And, since all the tables were taken, it would have been very rude to say no. There were both from Somalia and worked with UNICEF, and one of them also works with MDGs (which is what my thesis is about). So it became a very interesting lunch, and we exchanged contact information. He has tried to call me both yesterday and early today, and I haven’t answer. But now I've decided that the yes-girl is back so I sent him a text. Which reminds me, I also met a man at the Treasury when I went there to do a interview, that I haven’t answered... I’ll do that as well. Done! I just asked him if he wanted to have lunch with me on Monday. This fellow also work on the MDGs so I might learn something that could benefit my thesis.

I feel good about myself now. And I’m gonna use that feeling to get some work done!

Much love, me.


Anonymous said...

I know one day that is not going to be a "bad day". The day you come home. Looking foreward to it. :-)

Siri said...

So am I, Erik:)