Thursday, June 29, 2006

My week...

As the weather is getting better I realize more end more what is so fantastic about summer in Northen Norway. I just took this picture, is a few minutes past midnight, from my backyard:) But I must admit, the bright summer night is keeping me awake, and I have a feeling it will take some time getting used to it again. Tomorrow I think I'll be going out to our summer house taking in the wonder of the summer night. I'll sit outside, watch the sun, drink red wine and enjoy the moment.

Not much have happened since I got back. Last weekend I celebrated Astri's birthday. I've know her since I was eight and meeting up with her and Unni meant meeting some of my oldest friends. It was great, and I have some pictures that is not suitable to be posted on the web:)To sum it up: What more than beer, Pepsi (and rum), chips and soap bubbles do you need to make three girls happy?

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Home again

I´m back in Norway. Back in Bodø. And I must admit it does´t seem like much has changed here. But it could be that I have just experienced so much in South Africa that I don´t notice the changes here in Bodø. Not yet anyway.

But it nice to be home, don´t get me wrong. Ive missed my good friends, and I love being back in the wonderful, open and clean nature that we have up here. Not quite like the smog that surrounded Cape Town. And it will be fun to pop in on the city council meeting tomorrow. To see what they are up to, and if it´s anything interesting. But I have a feeling that the issues discussed on the city council might be a bit more trivial then the challenges than some people meet in Cape Town. We´ll see. It´s a question about wanting something for someone.

Anyway, I´m home. And safe and well.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Going somewhere?

For those of you who though I was now going to embark on a great African journey... Think again. The reason? Lets call it a series of events. Anyway, I'll be going back to Norway tomorrow. Flying back together with Harald. It will be our last night together:)

So, I'll be home in Bodø on Monday afternoon or sometime around there. Phone number should be up and functioning again as soon as I hit Norwegian soil. Give me a call!

Bye Africa!

Friday, June 16, 2006


I feel that it is a sign of sincerity and honesty when I feel helpless as I say goodbye to good friends.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Jeg kommer hjem... Bare ikke ennå. Siden både Marianne og Trud har etterlyst min hjemkomstdag (jeg tar det som et tegn på at jeg er savnet.. hehe) skal jeg selvsagt avsløre den.

28 juli!

Så ennå en stund til. Og hva skal så jeg gjøre frem til da? Jo, da skal jeg prøve å se litt mer av Afrika. reiser vel ut fra Cape Town, sånn cirka rundt den 16. juni (ikke så lenge til) og skal først litt rundt i Sør Afrika (Transkei og Jo'burg) før vi drar opp til Zimbabwe og Botswana. Kanskje jeg rekker innom Zambia også. Skal møte min reisepartner Daniel i morgen og legge litt planer. Litt, men ikke for mye. Jeg foretrekker litt fleksibilitet når jeg skal reise rundt i fem uker sammen med andre. Retrettmulighet kan det også kalles....

Nå skal jeg ut til Hermanus og se på hvaler... Og jeg skal være forsiktig med å si at grillet hvalkjøtt er veldig godt:)