I've just had a great last 2 days. Two nights ago, around 3 AM, I finally managed to get online at the same time as Sheryl. Then yesterday (and today) Sam was on AIM, and then Christina logged on MSN. And then, today I spent about an hour on skype talking to Christina in Kenya. A perfect day so far!
When I talked to Sheryl on AIM the other day she asked me a question I've asked myself over and over again without finding an answer. Did Cape Town change me?
Did I have the African experience everybody expected me to have? I don't think so. You can't really experience African in five months in one city. Yes, sure, I did travel some, but it's still just one country, and it's the (unwilling?) hegemony in a large continent. But I met people that made an impact on me. Some where from South Africa, some where from other places.
Being back in Norway though I feel like I'm back where is was before I left for Cape Town. That not much have changed. So have I really changed, or was Cape Town just a little break from reality? I know that academically I have become more focused and narrow in my approach. But how did Cape Town effect me? Just me... Hopefully it gave me some more input into what my life should be. I think it did. I think that being moved (voluntarily) from what's familiar, known and safe is healthy. Not everything we did yesterday is what we should do today or tomorrow. I've at least learned that.
If there is a change, I think it will seep in and slowly make me in to that "other" person. But maybe I have just got enough adventure to make a lasting imprint in me. Somehow.